Maximum Rock 'n' Roll - April 2003
They call this here "sexual porn rock 'n' roll". And
I ask "Hey man, what's wrong with being sexy?" Nothing dammit!
This is pretty fun stuff - definite dance party music.
A very similar kind of enjoyment that one would experience while listening
to LOLI & THE CHONES or maybe THE BANANAS. I hope you know what
i'm talking about. Italian poppy garage punk sing alongs alternating
snotty male/female vocals Plus a BUZZCOCKS cover! What else do you need?
It's a fact that a lot of great labels start off the same way - put
out a few singles to build a loyal fan base and then hit the world with
a killer first full length. Rip Off did it, Dirtnap did it, as did Mutant
Pop, and it looks like Zaxxon Virile Action have joined the club with
Morticia's Lovers' Rock'n'Roll Overdose. This LP is my first time hearing
this Italian band and I have quickly become a fan of their sloppy brand
of catchy garage punk. It's not an overly original album, but since
when did great records have to be? Morticia's Lovers get by quite well
on referencing their punk rock and power pop forefathers in the songwriting
while mixing in some distinct, slightly off kilter, Italian accented
English vocals. They even do a good job of updating some punk and power
pop hits from the past with trashy versions of "Rock'n'Roll Girl",
"Boredom", and "Do the Uganda". Actually, if you
combined the bands that played those three songs originally (The Beat,
The Buzzcocks and The Controllers, respectively) into one band you'd
have a keen sense of where Morticia's Lovers are coming from. The perfect
record to play at the post-bar party where everyone comes stumbling
home, rip-roaringly drunk and still wants to get it on. (JG)
Smashin' Transistors March / April 2003
This was much better than I expected. First off-there is the name. I
dunno-I hear a name like Morticia's Lovers and it's kneejerk for me
to think "Oh great. Another run of the mill organ driven "garage"
band aping the weekday black&white rerun look." Y'know...Wrap
around shades even at night, black jeans supernarrow at the cuff, pointed
toed boots, white shirts with frills and a couple of members who were
previously in a ska band...You know, one of those bands that can't figure
out whether they wanna be the Music Machine or the Association. Then
you factor in that they're Italian. "Oh great" I think "Not
only all that AND they wanna sound like the Ramones." So imagine
when my surprize when I slap this one and it's all jumpin' Trashcan
bash! Skirt chasing cra-a-a-zy and hot for thrills these spaghetti benders
are fiendin' like the Sonics in heat. They prowl rat infesting alleys
trying to find a fix and get stuck in the middle of a knife fight between
the Spaceshits and the Pretty Things. Mortica's Lovers come out unscathed
though cuz they know their own ways to hold a stilletto blade.
The cover of this record is promising -- a chick lying passed-out in
a pile of garage rock records! Subtitled "10 Songs Of Pure Sexual
Porn Rock'N'Roll", the third longplayer by these four cats out
of Piacenza, Italy, is fucking great! It's the lo-fi monster straight-out-of-the-garage
sound in the vein of the mighty Teengenerate, with a few different vocals,
all snotty and teenage. It's the Teengenerate gone teenage! Lotsa wit
and fun ("Do The Uganda" -- I need the lyric sheet!), lotsa
catchy rock'n'roll melodies that I'm oh-so fond of (even a Beat cover).
The message is clear: "You Gotta Shake" -- and who are we
to disobey? Grab a vinyl LP on this though, I get the feeling those
crazy Cannucks at Zaxxon made a platter that'll stick to your turntable
like heck! If Italian for masturbation is 'sega', this is 'mega drive'!
- Marzo 2003 Giunti alla terza
prova sulla lunga distanza, affidata alle mani della Zaxxon Records,
label canadese specializzata in suoni punk/rock'n'roll, i Morticia's
Lovers hanno ulteriormente affilato le loro armi, confezionando un disco
che trasuda da ogni suo solco energia e divertimento puri. I
quattro ragazzi della provincia di Piacenza dimostrano di amare profondamente
il rock'n'roll, come ben si evince dalle dieci tracce contenute nel
loro nuovo elettrizzante album, un'eccitante miscela a base di fifties/rock'n'roll,
garage, punk '77 e sana attitudine trash: voce 'demente' e annoiata,
chitarre 'grattuggia' nel migliore Rip Offs style. In questo LP i Morticia's
Lovers sono riusciti a calibrare la loro irrefrenabile irruenza, incanalandola
in brani altamente energetici, ma dotati di grande impatto melodico:
sia che si chiamino C'mon yeah, Boredom, Rock'n'roll overdose o Do the
Uganda, la sostanza del discorso non cambia. Siamo infatti in presenza
di una vera e propria overdose rock'n'roll. (GABRIELE BARONE)
Rockerilla n. 271 - marzo 2003 -
Un nuovo attacco punk arriva da due formidabili
formazioni di casa nostra. Niente hardcore melodico, niente concessioni
alla lingua italiana, niente testi allegri e scanzonati. Questo è
vero punk settantasettino, di quello minore 'raccontato' da serie imperdibili
come "Killed By Death" o "Bloodstains".
I piacentini Morticia's Lovers giungono alla terza prova lunga, dopo
l'esordio di "Take A Ride With Us" (Violator, 1998) e il successivo
"Piss & Love" (Mad Driver, 2001). Con un titolo esemplare
come "Rock'n'Roll Overdose", il loro nuovo album - pubblicato,
e non poteva essere altrimenti, in vinile e racchiuso in una bella copertina
- contiene dieci devastanti canzoni di "puro sessuale porno
rock'n'roll". Si parte con l'attacco frontale di "C'mon
Yeah", con tanto di voce femminile alla Poly Styrene, per proseguire
con un turbine di altri brani diretti ed incisivi tra cui spiccano la
title-track, le contundenti "" e "Boredom",
oltre alla conclusiva "Let's Go". (ROBERTO CALABRO')
Mucchio Selvaggio n. 524- 11 al 17 Marzo 2003
- Non bastasse il titolo a chiarire la filosofia
musicale cui aderiscono i Morticia's Lovers provvede la scritta collocata
nell'angolino in basso della (eloquentissima) copertina di questo loro
terzo album, edito in glorioso vinile: ''10 songs of pure sexual rocknroll''.
Magari non occorrerebbe aggiungere altro, ma il dovere e il piacere
impongono di ricordare che il quartetto piacentino si è guadagnato
una discreta fama di culto in Italia e all'estero grazie a circa otto
anni di devozione al punk più selvaggio e degenerato:
un punk istintivo e tendenzialmente lo-fi (nel senso 'storico'
del termine) che attinge nel rock primordiale dei '50, nek garage
dei '60 e nel mitico '77 per concepire canzoni brevi e fulminee,
caratterizzate da affondi trash e da un approcio canoro dalle sfumature
'dementi' (azzeccatissimi, a tal proposito, gli acuti inserti della
simpatica ospite Superlety). Degno successore di 'Take a Ride with us'
e 'Piss and Love' il nuovo parto della band regala una mezz'oretta (o
meno: i tempi non sono indicati) di buone vibrazioni, senza eccessi
di brutalità ma con quel tocco lercio e urticante che
tanto si apprezza nei riconosciuti capolavori del genere. Cose già
sentite? E' ovvio, come del resto accade per il 99% della musica odierna.
A contare sono l'attitudine e l'abilità, e quelle dei
Morticia's Lovers sono brillantemente rivelate dal modo in cui escono
vincenti da una cover 'difficile' come la Boredom dei primissimi Buzzcocks
(Federico Guglielmi)
Zine - January 2003
I am so delighted to have the chance to review the last opus by the
perverted gentlemen of Italian rock and roll, not exactly the
kind of people who'll teach your sister how to behave
at least,
not the kind of behaviour yer mom would agree on. Gotta be honest, at
first I thought that this time they had missed it, but I was probably
suffering from a bad trip and I remember thinking at a point that even
the Sonics weren't that good. Now that my brain works well (right, sort
of) and I've been through this platter more than a hundred times, I
see that I was wrong. The Lovers rock here as they did on their previous
album Piss & Love Vol.5, and the ten tracks they recorded are all
about the catchy and swingin' rock'n'roll in a early-90's-San
Francisco vein they got us used to. What's good is that I can't really
pick up a favourite (Sign Of Love's got some brilliant lyrics, tho',
and the guitar solo bit in Boredom is terrific!), and I swear I've been
listening to it all day long, and still it hasn't bored me, so I'ma
spin it another time. It really sounds like they've been playing together
for ages. The cover is so damn cool too, and you better move
'cos it's limited to 500 copies!